O1. Recruitment of a brilliant scientist and eminent researchers to fulfil the ERA-Chair position and to build up an inter-/multidisciplinary highly-skilled and dynamic team.
O2. Improvement of the research and human resources management to set up the NanoTech Laboratory in the frame of TRANSCEND centre to boost excellence in translational nanomedicine on a sustainable basis.
O3. Enhancement and strengthening of the research potential and innovation in the field of nanomedicine to prepare competitive and successful applications for public (Horizon Europe and other EU sources, international, and national) and private funding opportunities.
O4. Broadening national and international cooperation with academic and industrial stakeholders in nanomedicine to integrate the Regional Institute of Oncology-TRANSCEND research centre into the European Research Area to increase the European competitiveness.
O5. Developing a long-term research and innovation strategy to promote the translation and address the major societal challenges in healthcare.
O6. Elaborating a strategic plan of dissemination, exploitation, communication and promotion to make visible the research, innovation potential and scientific performance of the TRANSCEND and to increase its impact on the national and international scientific community.
O7. Developing an effective strategic plan for project management to ensure the project success.
WP1. Project management
WP2. ERA-Chair holder recruitment
WP3. Creating the landscape for the NanoTech Lab