Dear Reader,
Welcome to the ESEI-BioMed project, which is developing at the Regional Institute of Oncology (IRO), Iasi, Romania.
IRO is a university hospital focused on oncology, covering the Nord-East region of Romania. In addition to the clinical practice, the hospital is committed to contribute to the scientific knowledge at national and international levels through the TRANSCEND Research Center, a relatively new component of the institute.
ESEI-BioMed project is a straightforward and proficient way for successfully achieving this goal. It will join young and experienced researchers with different knowhow under the umbrella of nanomedicine, aiming to enhance the inter- and multidisciplinary research within the TRANSCEND center. Through this project, a world-class scientist and research manager - ERA-Chair holder - with proven track records of high quality research in nanomedicine will be attracted at IRO-TRANSCEND. She/he will implement the necessary structural changes to create a new laboratory, Nanotechnology Laboratory, focused on achieving excellence in nanomedicine-oriented research.
The ESEI-BioMed, funded by H2020 ERA-Chair Program, will run for a period of six years, creating a real opportunity for the TRANSCEND research center to be integrated within the National and European Research Areas. I strongly believe that the newly reorganized TRANSCEND will be a reference in nanomedicine while it will be an attraction point for the highly-skilled researchers and industry stakeholders.