NEWS 1: ERA-Chair scientific event | November 5-6, 2024Deadline for submission is 15.09.2024 | Extended deadline: September 30
15March2023 Enhancing and strengthening the excellence in interdisciplinary biomedical research at TRANSCEND (ESEI-BioMed) Source:
22September2022 (Nano)vaccinurile și imunoterapia, metode promițătoare în terapia cancerului Source:
27June2022 Presentation of the ESEI-BioMEd project and the TRANSCEND center Presentation video in Romanian language Presentation video with French subtitles Source:
30June2021 Iasi researchers from IRO Iaşi involved in the medicine of the future. Nanomedicine - a hope for treatment and diagnosis in oncological diseases Source:
14May2021 The Regional Institute of Oncology from Iasi receives 2.5 million euros for the development of nanomedicine research Source:
12May2021 2.5 million euro project at IRO for the development of nanomedicine Source:
11May2021 IRO Iași attracted, through the TRANSCEND research center, 2.5 million Euros to develop research in the field of nanomedicine Source:
8February2021 IRO, through the Transcend research center, attracted 2.5 million euros to develop research in the field of nanomedicine Source: