Participation to “The role of research and innovation in oncology, for saving lives and a better and longer life for European citizens. Horizon Europe Cancer Research Mission”

The online event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Research on November 5, 2020. Dr. Serban Ghiorghiu, member of the Mission Board Cancer Horizon Europe and EU Ambassador for Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary for this mission participated to the webminar. The event was opened by Dr. Dragos Ciuparu, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research, and Dr. Diana Loreta Paun, Presidential Adviser.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 13 recommendations of the Mission Board for Cancer in order to identify the Romania's interests and potential in the field.

How to implement these recommendations and identification of the Romanian medical research centers interested in being accredited at European level have also been discussed. Therefore, the event has been addressed to specialists in oncology, public health, health policies and strategies, personalized medicine and related areas, which were developing relevant multidisciplinary RDI projects.

Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (project coordinator), Prof dr. Eugen Carasevici (medical scientific manager) and Prof. dr. Gabriel Dimofte (Medical director of IRO and IAB member of the project) participated to this event on behalf of IRO.

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